Landing your dream job
Posted on April 2, 2014 at 9:49 am
We all have ideas when we are little as to what we want to be when we grow up, some popular choices are Doctor, Vet, Astronaut or Dancer. As we grow older these ideas often change as we understand the reality of each job and what qualifications and training we need. Once you have a firm idea of what you would like to be there are a few things that you should do in order to give yourself the best possible chance of reaching your goal.
Target your dream companies – Many people register with agencies or search online job boards to find a job, but another way is to make a list of the top ten companies that you would like to work for. Update your CV and send this to them. It is also important to either take your CV in person or follow up with a call to confirm the CV has reached the correct person and to also show you are keen.
Get up to date with the latest industry news. I is always important to keep your finger on the pulse. Registering for an RSS feed linked to the industry you want to work in is a great way to receive instant up to date news. Also registering for newsletters and magazines will keep you on the ball and show future Employers that you go the extra mile and actual enjoy the subject matter. Over all you need to sell yourself and show the Employer that you are the perfect person for the job.
Posted in Jobs