Why Early Years Teaching Jobs Are Rewarding
Posted on December 18, 2014 at 11:34 am
Early years teachers or nursery teachers, work in nursery, reception and pre-school classes. They usually teach children aged between three and five. They organise, plan and supervise various play and learning activities for young children in a supportive and safe setting. Early years teachers also record observations and summarise the achievements of their pupils. They concentrate on preparing young children to transition to primary school education successfully.
If you love working with children and are committed to providing them with a good start in life, you can train to be an early years teacher. A job as a nursery teacher carries great responsibility, but it can be extremely rewarding. In order to be successful in this field, you need to understand how children learn, be able to work closely with parents and other teachers and have many creative ideas. (more…)
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Advantages of becoming a supply teacher
Posted on October 27, 2014 at 10:18 pm
The advantages of being a supply teacher are great. The pay is often better than that of a permanent teaching position and the advantage of being able to manage and chose which days you work and how much work you do can be a massive plus point for many.
Maybe you are a teacher looking to retire but want to still teach occasionally or maybe you are looking to return to work after having a baby and want the flexibility of being able to have time off. Whatever your reason, Supply teaching can suit people of all ages. If you are only doing short term supply, you often don’t have the added responsibilities of that of permanent staff such as marking, creating displays and parents evenings.
There are of course some cons to working as a supply teacher such as no guaranteed income and not knowing where you may be required to teach next. You may find that you need to be flexible in your approach as often supply teachers are called upon on the day that they are required and if you consistently are not available, you may find that you do not get asked again by that school.
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Are supply teachers up to the job?
Posted on August 21, 2014 at 9:35 pm
Recent Ofsted reports suggest that some supply teachers are not teaching adequately in the schools that they are placed in thus damaging children’s education. Ofsted have found that supply teachers within secondary schools are 4 times more likely to teach sub standard lessons than that of permanent members of staff. With many head teachers having to rely on supply teachers to cover classes over long periods of time, standards of behaviour in classrooms on the whole is deteriorating. Head teachers spend around six hundred million pounds a year hiring stand-in staff and Ofsted said some schools pay out £150,000 a year without even officially monitoring teachers’ performance. Only one third of schools said that they had a pool of supply teachers that they knew and could reply on, and often they had no option by to bring in supply teachers that they had never worked with and were not confident of their abilities.
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The UK Teaching Sector Pays In Several ways; Learn A Few Things About It Here
Posted on April 18, 2014 at 12:44 pm
Today, graduates and career enthusiasts in the UK think teaching is one of the best and satisfying jobs one could ever have in the UK. Furthermore, the teaching profession is not just about standing for a few minutes with a chalk trying to impart knowledge into the brains of a young generation siting in a class.
It’s more to do with trying to learn to think for yourself–as seen in John Keating’s poem, ”Dead poet Society”. Furthermore, this is just a small part of the picture. The education sector offers more opportunities to teach students of all ages and backgrounds.
For instance, those who teach primary school children will prepare them for secondary education as from the age of 5 towards 11. Learning continues in Secondary school until they attain the ages of 16 or 18. Further eduction is provided by the Higher Institutions such as colleges and Universities.
However, there are specific areas in teaching that are on high demand. Not all children are born the same, so each one of them will have varying needs. For example, some children might have gifted abilities which need to be nurtured. Others might have behavioural or emotional problems, so they need to be prepared by someone who understands their nature.
That’s the reason why there are so many jobs in education in the UK. Furthermore, it’s easy to find and apply for these jobs in the UK. There are literally dozens of websites dedicated towards helping graduates find jobs in Education, specifically in the UK. Depending on your area and level of expertise, you can choose based on salary range, level of learners you want to teach etc.
Teachers in the UK also enjoy the longest holiday ever. It’s around 13 weeks per year. There’s no other profession that offers that kind of holiday, so the rest can only envy at how teachers find more time to relax with their families at home. Make your money sharpening young minds, then go for a long vacation when school closes. There’s so much time for you to refresh as you prepare to get back to the next session with students.
The teaching profession is one that’s full of challenges and opportunities to grow. This career also puts you in a situation where you can meet eclectic mix of people every other day. The challenges only come because you’re managing different students with different learning capabilities. At the end of the day, these children must learn, no matter how fast or slow they grasp information.
However, the only warning to note is, you should never get into the profession because of the money or the 13 weeks holiday allowance. Instead, get into the profession because you like teaching students. That’s the surest way of getting maximum satisfaction from the profession.
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Landing your dream job
Posted on April 2, 2014 at 9:49 am
We all have ideas when we are little as to what we want to be when we grow up, some popular choices are Doctor, Vet, Astronaut or Dancer. As we grow older these ideas often change as we understand the reality of each job and what qualifications and training we need. Once you have a firm idea of what you would like to be there are a few things that you should do in order to give yourself the best possible chance of reaching your goal.
Target your dream companies – Many people register with agencies or search online job boards to find a job, but another way is to make a list of the top ten companies that you would like to work for. Update your CV and send this to them. It is also important to either take your CV in person or follow up with a call to confirm the CV has reached the correct person and to also show you are keen.
Get up to date with the latest industry news. I is always important to keep your finger on the pulse. Registering for an RSS feed linked to the industry you want to work in is a great way to receive instant up to date news. Also registering for newsletters and magazines will keep you on the ball and show future Employers that you go the extra mile and actual enjoy the subject matter. Over all you need to sell yourself and show the Employer that you are the perfect person for the job.
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When a Pay Cut becomes Necessary
Posted on March 14, 2014 at 12:48 pm
Some people will only consider taking a new job when more money is offered, but many people take pay cuts and there are several sensible reasons why.
If you’re looking to change careers you may have to start from the bottom once more, and this is necessarily, and it can actually show employers just how determined you are to make it in a different industry, even if it means earning less money.
If you want a job that you enjoy and money is not as much of a priority, then a pay cut could be a good decision, so long as you do not leave yourself in an unstable situation.
Relocating may mean taking a pay cut, but then you may find that expenses are reduced while you’re there and it can even out over time. There’s also the other link to travelling where yu may fancy a shorter commute, and you’re willing to take a pay cut for it. It must be said that pay cuts should not always be seen as negative, because they may make perfect logical sense and help make your future more prosperous.
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Recruiting Highly Skilled Employees
Posted on February 17, 2014 at 10:58 am
Recruitment is a very competitive market, but of the whole industry, nothing is more competitive than where highly skilled workers are involved. The ends to which recruitment agencies will be forced to go in order to recruit prized workers is dramatic. Those who use a recruitment agency will find that the information and research which the recruitment agency will be both more precise and extensive when the recruit is highly skilled. This allows you and your business to place more faith in the legitimacy of their information, and plan accordingly. The demand for highly skilled employees is highly than non highly skilled workers as well, which means the lengths to which you need to go to to recruit people that much more. Of course, highly skilled workers are much more able to migrate around the world as well, so you may find yourself in a bidding war with companies from around the world, trying to convince somebody to move country to work for your company.
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Save time with your Job Search
Posted on January 16, 2014 at 2:32 pm
Job searching can take a serious amount of time, and that’s the last thing you need if you’re already working full time, but there are ways to apply for jobs without it taking too much of a toll. When you’re searching it’s important to make sure your using the internet.
You should bookmark various websites in your browser, and regularly check these sites each day, then you can make a note of the jobs and go back to them later, but just make sure you beat the deadline.
If you see a job and you don’t feel as though you’re qualified you’re probably not. So don’t waste time applying for jobs that you just aren’t qualified for, instead you should spend longer searching for a job that suits your requirements.
Remember to set a deadline for the amount of job applications you want to send each week, and try and send more each week, this will certainly improve your chances of landing a job.
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Salary vs Job Title
Posted on December 15, 2013 at 11:08 am
There are many different reasons for gaining a job, and money shouldn’t be at the heart of the issue, but it is for the majority or people. A low paid job, even with a job title you’re proud of may not be sufficient to your lifestyle, and your bills.
But is money more important than doing the job you love? We’d say no. Not everybody can make the money they want in an enjoyable job, which is actually a sad reality. Only when you really have a passion for something will you work extremely hard, and to the best of your ability.
Money is fundamental to all of our lives, and it’s understandable that some people will search for jobs looking at the rates of pay rather that the job description itself. Think hard about the money you want to earn, and see if you can save at your current job, potentially allowing you to take a pay cut for the job you crave in the future. Once your foot is in the door you may then be able to start making a better living out of it.
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Spending more time on your Job search
Posted on November 29, 2013 at 10:31 am
It’s not enough to be sending off a few CV’s each evening or filling out a few online job applications. You have to be actively searching, use major websites and company websites related to the industry you want to work in. You can now store your CV on various recruitment agency websites, there’s a range of opportunities and you need to grab these opportunities by the horns.
Social media websites are actually becoming more important in terms of finding jobs. Recruitment agencies may have their own Facebook or Twitter page, you can even search job descriptions to see if anyone is advertising jobs through social media, you might get lucky and find that there are opportunities out there that are extremely close to you.
Setting a target each week or day can be fundamental, and it can mean you apply for more jobs than you ever imagined, and it will ultimately increase the possibilities of getting responses from potential employers.
Make sure your job hunt is as active as it can be, because if you don’t find the time to apply for the jobs that are out there, someone else will.
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